Style as a Psychoanalytic Concept
This paper features in The Lacanian Review 11: The Art of Singularities. If you like my contribution here you may find The Lacanian Review well worth buying. There is a familiarity about the term style in our literature and in our discussions. It’s a signifier which is very widely used in a seemingly everyday way by Lacan and by Jacques-Alain Miller, and we talk about one another’s style as an analyst, often regarding a way of working with one’s symptom, sinthome, or a style of jouissance. The question of style as a distinct psychoanalytical concept, less obvious than its everyday sense, was highlighted to me through a paragraph of Jacques-Alain Miller’s course L e banquet des analystes (teaching in the Department of Psychoanalysis of Paris 8, lesson of 24/1/1990): “So transference of work means that it is not enough to simply transfer the results. It's even why Lacan could say that what he could transmit above all was a style. We mustn't explain this in terms of how he ...